Kona Grill - Low Carb Bunless Turkey Burger

Kona Grill - Low Carb Bunless Turkey Burger - Howdy Food lover Low Carb Recipes, the article you are reading Kona Grill - Low Carb Bunless Turkey Burger , it's been a pleasure to write this article, hopefully you'll find it usefull to cheer your day up. Hopefully this post Artikel Reviews, will make your day. Happy cooking.

Judul : Kona Grill - Low Carb Bunless Turkey Burger
link : Kona Grill - Low Carb Bunless Turkey Burger

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Kona Grill - Low Carb Bunless Turkey Burger


Havarti Cheese
Basil Pesto Aioli 
Pickle Sphere

Side of Green Beans

My Review:

For as long as I could remember I thought that low carb meant no burger, but boy was I wrong! It's easy to go to any restaurant and ask for a burger without the bun or even substitute fries for a healthier side such as a salad or vegetables. Don't worry, the waiter won't look at you funny, a lot of people do it! The green beans at Kona truly are to die far, the turkey burger was also extremely juicy and delicious. 

Well.. Happy to say that was my post about Kona Grill - Low Carb Bunless Turkey Burger

This is the end of my Kona Grill - Low Carb Bunless Turkey Burger if you think this article is good enough, please do share to others. See you in my next posts.

You are reading Kona Grill - Low Carb Bunless Turkey Burger on this link https://iheartsmooches.blogspot.com/2013/05/kona-grill-low-carb-bunless-turkey.html

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